남부숲박쥐 영어로
- Southern forest bat
- 동부숲박쥐: Eastern forest bat
- 내륙숲박쥐: Inland forest bat
- 숲박쥐속: Vespadelus
- 작은숲박쥐: Little forest bat
- 큰숲박쥐: Large forest bat
- 남부노랑박쥐: Southern yellow bat
- 남부황금박쥐: Golden bat
- 남부개얼굴박쥐: Southern dog-faced bat
- 남부윗수염박쥐: Southern myotis
- 남부자유꼬리박쥐: Ozimops planiceps
- 남부큰귀갈색박쥐: Southern big-eared brown bat
- 남부작은노랑귀박쥐: Southern little yellow-eared bat
- 페루남부노랑어깨박쥐: Lesser yellow-shouldered bat
- 남부: 남부 [南部] the southern part[district / portion]; (미국의) the South. ~에 in the south of / down South. 한반도의 ~ the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. 호남의 ~ the southern part of Honam. ~의 군대(미국의) the
- 동부숲쥐: Eastern woodrat