낮도둑 영어로
- 낮도둑 [낮에 훔치는 도둑] a sneak thief; a noonday thief; <卑> a gutter prowler; [몰염치한 욕심쟁이] a shark; a shameless hog; a greedy[grasping] person.
- 도둑: 도둑 a thief ; [강도] a robber; [밤도둑] a burglar; [좀도둑] a pilferer; a filcher; a shoplifter; [도둑질] (a) theft; (a) robbery; (a) burglary. 일단의 ~ a gang of thieves[robbers]. ~이야 Stop, thief! 지난번에 우리 집에 ~이 들
- 도둑놈, 도둑님: Bad Thief, Good Thief
- 큰 도둑 작은 도둑: Steal Big Steal Little
- 도둑 (영화): The Robber
- 도둑 같은: thievish
- 도둑 신부: The Robber Bride
- 도둑 절도: Theft
- 도둑게: Chiromantes haematocheir
- 도둑놈: 도둑놈 a thief . ~에게 열쇠 맡긴 셈이다 You have invited evil to befall you. / You have set the wolf to guard the sheep. ~ 개에게 물린 셈 One who has done wrong can hardly complain at censure or humiliation.
- 도둑들: The Thieves
- 도둑질: 도둑질 [절도] theft; thievery; stealing; [강도질] robbery; burglary; [좀도둑질] pilfering; filching. 가난에서 저지른 ~ theft through poverty. ~ 행각을 하다 go round against the sun. ~도 손이 맞아야 한다 Harmonious cooperation is
- 떼도둑: 떼도둑 a group[gang] of robbers; a pack of thieves.
- 밤도둑: cat burglar
- 소도둑: cattle rustler; cattle lifter
- 좀도둑: 좀도둑 a sneak thief; a petty thief; a sneak; a pilferer; a filcher; a porch climber. 집을 비운 사이에 ~이 들었다 We had our house robbed in our absence. / Our house was robbed while we were away.▷ 좀도둑질 petty l