널리다 영어로
- 널리다1 [흩어져 있다] be spread[scattered] ; (빨래 등이) be hung out.
줄에 널린 빨래 the wash(ing) hung on a string.
공원에는 휴지가 널려 있었다 The park was littered with rubbish.
낙엽이 뜰에 널려 있다 The fallen leaves are spread all over the garden.
휴지 조각이 온 방안+모두 보이기...에 널려 있다 Waste paper is scattered all over the room.널리다2 [넓히다] broaden; widen; enlarge; extend.
길을 ~ widen[broaden] a road.
옷품을 ~ make a coat wider.
집을 ~ enlarge a house.
판로를 ~ extend the market[sales-channel].
- 널리: 널리 [너르게] widely; broadly; extensively; far and wide; [보편적으로] universally; generally; at large; [도처에] everywhere; all over; throughout; at every turn. ~ 알려져 있다 be widely known. ~ 광고하다 advertise exten
- 널리 퍼진: diffuse
- 널리 퍼짐: prevalence
- 맥널리: McNally
- 코널리: Connolly
- 리다: -리다1 […하겠소] I will. 알려 드리~ I will let you know. 내가 하~[읽으~] I'll be glad to do[read] it. 당신에게 도움이 된다면 뭐든지 기꺼이 하~ I shall be glad to do what I can to help you. 손해를 보신다면 내가 책임지~ I'll answer for your po
- 저널리즘 저널리즘: Journalism
- 경마 저널리즘: Horse race journalism
- 기사 (저널리즘): Article (publishing)
- 내셔널리그: korea national league
- 내셔널리즘: 내셔널리즘 nationalism.
- 널리 돌아서: round
- 널리 알려져: emphatically
- 널리 알려지다: resound
- 널리 알려진: reverberative; resonating; resonant; far-famed; reverberating; echoing; tympanic; rolling