두려워하다 영어로
- 두려워하다1 [무서워하다] fear; dread; be afraid[fearful] of; stand in fear of; be frightened[scared / terrified] at; have a horror[dread] of; be overawed.
두려워하여 with fear / in fearfulness / in horror / in a fright.
자기의 그림자도 ~ be afraid of+모두 보이기... one's own shadow.
…을 늘 ~ be[live] in constant fear of ‥.
남을 두려워하게 하다 inspire a person with awe / keep a person in awe.
두려워하지 않다 do not fear / be unafraid / be unterrified.
두려워할 것이 못되다 be not formidable / there is nothing to fear .
그는 죽음을 두려워하지 않았다 He did not fear[was not afraid of] death.2 [걱정하다] fear; be afraid of; apprehend; be apprehensive of.
…하지 않을까 두려워하여 for fear / fearful of .
최악의 사태를 ~ fear the worst.
실패를 두려워하지 말고 하라 Don't be afraid of failing. Just do it.
아버지에게 꾸지람들을 일이 두려워 그는 아무말도 하지 않았다 He said nothing for fear that his father would scold him.3 [외경(畏敬)하다] stand in awe of; be struck with awe.
두려워하며 우러러보는 마음 a reverential awe.
성스러워 ~ have a holy horror of.
어른을 ~ stand in awe of one's elders / venerate one's elders.
어른을 두려워할 줄 모르다 be defiant of one's elders / do not pay due respect to one's elders.
그는 신을 조금도 두려워하지 않는다 He has no reverence for God.
- 두려워하게 하다: affright
- 두려워하여: afraid
- 두려워하는 얼굴: fearful face
- 신을 두려워하는: fearful; god fearing
- 어려워하다: 어려워하다 feel constraint ; be afraid of giving trouble; have a regard for feelings; have scruples ; keep at a (respectable) distance. 어려워하는 기색 a constrained manner[air] / an air of constraint. 어려워하지
- 누가 버지니아 울프를 두려워하랴: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
- 두려워: fearful; afraid; frightened; dreadful
- 누가 버지니아 울프를 두려워하랴 (영화): Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (film)
- 두려워 떨며: stunned; terrified; startled; stupent
- 겨워하다: 겨워하다 feel something to be too much for one; feel something is more than one can manage; feel something is out of hand. 일을 (힘에) ~ feel the job is too much for one/ be loath to take on a job. 그 젊은 과부는
- 고마워하다: 고마워하다 [고맙게 여기다] be thankful ; feel grateful ; show one's gratitude; appreciate; be appreciative ; be obliged[indebted] . 그는 나의 사소한 친절을 몹시 고마워했다 He was very grateful to me for the little kindness I h
- 괴로워하다: 괴로워하다1 [고통을 느끼다] suffer ; feel[be in] pain; be afflicted . 갈증으로 ~ suffer from thirst. 그는 치통으로 괴로워하고 있다 He is suffering from toothache[ a toothache].2 [고민하다] be distressed; be worried ; worry oneself
- 귀여워하다: 귀여워하다 love; be affectionate to; treat with affection; pet; make a pet of; be attached to; treat tenderly[kindly]; [애무하다] caress; fondle. 귀여워하는 아이 one's pet[beloved] child / one's darling (child). 개를
- 그리워하다: 그리워하다 long[yearn / pine] for. ☞ 그리다1 고향을 ~ have a longing for home / be homesick / pine for home. 어머니의 모습을 ~ think of[remember] my (dead) mother. 옛 친구를 ~ yearn for one's old friend. 조국을 ~ long for o
- 기꺼워하다: 기꺼워하다 =기뻐하다.