디디다 영어로
- 디디다1 [밟다] step on; tread (up)on.
외국땅을 ~ step[set foot] on foreign soil.
발을 헛~ miss one's foot[step] / make[take] a false step.
한발짝 내어 ~ take a step forward.
첫발을 내어 ~ make the first step .
정계에 발을 내어 ~ enter into politics / en+모두 보이기...ter upon a political career.
방에는 책이 흩어져 있어 발 디딜 곳도 없었다 The room was strewn with books, and there was no place to stand.2 (누룩·메주를) tread malted flour paste into cakes.
- 곱디디다: 곱디디다 sprain[twist] one's ankle.
- 내디디다: 내디디다 [발족하다] step forward; advance; set foot ; tread (up)on; [(사업계 등에) 나서다] enter upon; launch forth[out]. 첫발을 ~ make the first step . 일보를 ~ take a step forward. 무대에 첫발을 ~ make one's first appearance
- 내려디디다: 내려디디다 step upon; tread on.
- 들여디디다: 들여디디다 set foot in; put one's foot into[inside]; step[walk] in. 위험한 곳에 발을 ~ tread on dangerous ground / set foot in a dangerous spot. 발을 진창에 ~ step into a mire / fall in the mire. 그 근방에 발을 들여디디지 마라 D
- 벋디디다: 벋디디다 [버티어 내다] stand firmly; [내어 디디다] step out of bounds. 그는 두 발을 벋디디고 연설을 시작했다 He stood squarely on his two feet and started speaking.
- 빗디디다: 빗디디다 take[make] a false step[a misstep]; lose[miss] one's footing . 발을 ~ make a false step. 계단을 ~ miss one's footing on the stairs.
- 헛디디다: 헛디디다 miss one's foot[step]; lose one's footing; make a false step; slide down . 층계를 ~ miss one's footing on the stairs. 벼랑을 헛디뎌서 바다속으로 떨어지다 step over the cliff into the sea. 발을 헛디뎠다 My foot slipped.
- 디디디 대왕: King Dedede
- 디디 콘: Didi Conn
- 디디뮴: Didymium
- 디디콩: Diddy Kong
- 디디티: 디디티 DDT(▶ dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane의 약어).
- 견디다: 견디다1 [참다] endure; bear; stand; put up with; tolerate; suffer. 견디기 어려운 unbearable / intolerable. ~ 못해 unable to bear[endure] any longer. 꾹 참고 ~ bear stoically[manfully / patiently / with patience].
- 더디다: 더디다1 [늦다] late; tardy; dilatory; behind time[schedule]. 그는 돌아오는 것이 ~ He is long in returning. / He's been gone long[a long time]. 이 근처는 봄이 오는 것이 ~ Spring comes late around here.2 [느리다] slow; tardy;
- 디다케: Didache