말하자면$1$ 영어로
- as it were
- 말하자면: 말하자면 […으로[하게] 말하면] if we are to speak ; if we must say; speaking[talking] of ‥; it reminds me ‥; [이를테면] so to speak[say]; so to call it; as it were; in a manner (of speaking); in a way[sense / kind
- 덧붙여 말하자면: en passant; come to think of it; by the way; parenthetically; obiter; incidentally; by the by
- 사실을 말하자면: truly
- 에 관해서 밀하자면: by
- 하자: 하자 [瑕疵] a flaw; a blemish; a blur; a defect. ~ 있는 권원(權原) a defective title. ~ 없는 flawless / immaculate / all-perfect.▷ 하자 담보 『法』 a warranty.▷ 하자 담보 증서 a warranty deed.
- 자면종: alarm clock
- 활자면: typeface
- 하자주 하자주: Hajjah Governorate
- 예를 들자면: for instance; for example; e.g.
- ... 하자 마자: soon; soonly; now; betimes; erelong; sharpish; in due course
- 강하자: parachutist
- 산하자: Sanhaja
- 하자어: Hadza language
- 하자르족 하자르: Khazars
- 잠자면서 보내다: slumber