맨주먹 영어로
- 맨주먹 a naked fist; an empty fist; a bare[an empty] hand.
~의 barefisted / empty-handed / with one's bare[naked] hands[fists] / barehanded.
~으로 싸우다 fight with naked fists.
거의 ~으로 장사를 시작하다 start a business with practically no capit+모두 보이기...al.
~으로 범을 잡다 kill a tiger with one's naked fist.
그는 ~으로 막대한 재산을 쌓아올렸다 He built up an enormous fortune out of nothing.
- 주먹: 주먹 a (clenched) fist; the knuckles; dukes; the bunch of fives. ~만한 돌 a fist-size(d) stone[rock]. ~을 휘두르다 wave[shake] one's fist at . ~을 쥐다 clench one's fist. 남에게 ~을 먹이다 hit a person with one's fist
- 등 주먹: hammer fist; fist
- 매 주먹: fist; hammer fist
- 빈주먹: 빈주먹 an empty[bare] hand; naked fists. ~으로 empty-handed[barehanded] / without funds / with one's bare[naked] hands[fists]. ~으로 장사를 시작하다 start a business without means / go into business with almost n
- 앞주먹: fore first; fist
- 옆주먹: fist; side hammer fist
- 주먹 싸움: loggerheads
- 주먹 인사: Fist bump
- 주먹밥: 주먹밥 a rice ball.
- 주먹질: 주먹질 [때리기] blows with the fists; fisting; fisticuffs; [위협] threats with the fists; [욕] fist shaking. ~하다 [때리다] strike with the fists; fist ; fight; [위협하다] threaten[menace] with the fists; [욕하다] shak
- 주먹코: 주먹코 a bulbous[potato] nose; a snub nose.
- 두 주먹을 쥔: two fisted
- 불끈 쥔 주먹: Raised fist
- 아주먹이: 아주먹이1 [백정미] polished rice; refined rice.2 [솜옷] clothes with permanently stitched cotton padding.
- 전설의 주먹: Fists of Legend