기문: 기문 [奇聞] a strange news[report].기문 [氣門] 『動』 a stoma ; a stigma .
반기: 반기 [半期] a half term[year]; a semester. 상[하]~ the first[latter] half of the year. 전[후] ~ the first[second] half year. ~의 half-yearly / semiannual. 상[하]~ 무역 trading during the first[latter] half of th
반기다: 반기다 be[look] glad ; be pleased[delighted] ; rejoice[be rejoiced] ; [환영하다] greet; welcome. 손님을 ~ be delighted to see a guest. 옛 친구를 ~ receive one's old friend with great joy[with open arms].
반기생: 반기생 [半寄生] 『生』 hemiparasitism. ~의 hemiparasitic / semiparasitic.▷ 반기생 생물 a hemiparasite; a semiparasite.