발육부진전 영어로
- 발육부전의: failed; miscarrying; stamen; misborn; abortive; stillborn; unsuccessful; sterile; fruitless; abortional
- 불구 발육부전: value voter; abortment; abortion
- 부진: 부진 [不振] dullness; depression; inactivity; stagnation; a slump. 거래 ~ 『증권』 lack of interest[enthusiasm]. 수출 ~ inactivity[a poor showing] of the export trade. 사업의 ~ business depression / stagnation of
- 육부: 육부 [六腑] the six internal organs.
- 진전: 진전 [進展] progress; [발전] development. 사건의 ~과 함께 with the development of affairs. 연구에 ~을 보다 advance in one's studies. 올해는 과학에 큰 ~을 보았다 Science made great progress this year. ~하다 progress; develop. 원활하게
- 발육: 발육 [發育] growth; development; progress. ~이 늦은 아이 a retarded child. ~이 빠르다[늦다] grow rapidly[slowly]. ~이 좋다 be well grown. ~(상태)이 나쁘다 be undergrown / be underdeveloped. ~을 방해하다 check the growth / arre
- 대부진: Great Slump (15th century)
- 부진한: inert; inactive; lacking alertness; dull; sluggish; not active
- 이부진: Lee Boo-jin
- 지적 부진: backwater
- 교육부: 교육부 [敎育部] the Ministry of Education; the Education Ministry. ~ 검정필 approved by the Ministry of Education.▷ 교육부 장관 the Minister of Education; the Education Minister.
- 체육부: Ministry of Sports
- 급진전: rapid progress
- 사진전: Photography exhibitions
- 진전병: Scrapie