방귀 영어로
방귀 wind; <卑> a fart. ~를 뀌다 fart / break wind / pass gas. ~뀐 놈이 성낸다 <속담> get angry at others for one's own mistakes. ~가 잦으면 똥싸기 쉽다 <속담> Coming events cast their shadows before. / Repeated small irregularities lead to serious consequence+모두 보이기... s[trouble]. 방귀만 : Bang Gui-man줄방귀 : 줄방귀 a succession of flatuses; successive farts.질방귀 : Vaginal flatulence코방귀 : 코방귀 a pooh-pooh; a snort; pooh-poohing; snorting . ~만 뀌다 snort[sniff] at / turn up one's nose at / treat with contempt[disdain].헛방귀 : 헛방귀 a gentle fart.방귀뀌다 : fart; break wind; let rip; pass gas; flatulate코방귀 뀌는 : domineering; orgulous; sneery; cavalier; stout; disdainful; sniffy; haughty; haught; high-hat; supercilious코방귀 뀌다 : snort at; sniff at코방귀 뀜 : sniff방귀대장 뿡뿡이 : Bboongbboong-E코방귀 코웃음 치다 : snort코방귀를 뀌며 말하다 : sniff동방귀형수 ~ wily beast and weakest creature : Wily Beast and Weakest Creature방구석 : 방구석 [房-] [방 속] the interior of a room; [방의 구석] a corner of a room. ~에 in a room / indoors. 온종일 ~에 틀어박혀 있다 keep (in) one's room all day long. ~에서 뭘 하느냐 What are you doing in the room?방구누자이언트쥐 : Uromys vika방구누섬 : Vangunu
예문 더보기: 다음> I was about to drop off, and... 근데요? 얘가 심각하게 그러는 거야 자기 방귀 안 뀌었다고... Finally, giving Meredith Baxter-Birney a Dutch oven. 메레디스 박스터 얼굴에 방귀 뀌고 봉지 씌우기 Like a fart. If you smelt it, you dealt it.방귀 뀐 놈이 성내는 것 처럼 말이지 Is that why you don't fart in front of me? 그래서 내 앞에선 방귀 안 뀐 거야? Shut up, I didn't do anything. Yeah, right.방귀 좀 뀌지 마 냄새한번 지독하네