방문: 방문 [房門] a door (of a room).방문 [訪問] a call; a visit; an interview. 가정 ~ a call at a student's home (by a teacher). ~ 복 a visiting[gala] dress. 첫 ~ the first visit. 공식 ~ a formal visit / an official c
문자: 문자 [文字]1 [글자] a letter; a character(한자 등). 그리스 ~ Greek letters. 표의(表意) ~ an ideograph. 표음 ~ a phonetic letter. ~를 읽을 줄 아는[모르는] 사람들 literate[illiterate] people. ~ 다중 방송 teletext. 소~로 쓰다 write in tin
방문객: 방문객 [訪問客] a caller; a visitor; a guest. ~을 만나다 receive a caller[visitor]. ~을 거절하다 deny oneself to[refuse to see] a caller. ~이 있다[없다] have a[no] visitor to receive.
방문단: 방문단 [訪問團] a group[team] of visitors. 재미 동포 모국 ~ a group of Korean residents in U.S.A. who are visiting their fatherland.
약방문: 약방문 [藥方文] a (medical) prescription. 사후 ~ the day after[too late for] the fair / the doctor after death / shutting the stable door after the horse is stolen[has fled]. ~을 쓰다 write (out)[give] a pres