I was hanging around for compliments. 배회하는 것처럼 보이고 싶지 않았거든 I was hanging around for compliments.
Hanging around outside my house. 우리집 주변을 배회하는 것.
If the kids are in the gym, and they're off the streets and they're staying in school... 거리를 배회하는 대신 체육관과 학교에서 지내면...
Jon hasn't returned when he should to the Fist of the First Men and Sam's getting nervous. 희멀건 이들이 숲속을 배회하는 밤 when the white walkers rove through the woods.
In this labyrinth of your work, there is a creature that patrols it, just like the Minotaur myth. 당신의 미로 같은 작품 안을 배회하는 괴물이 있어요 신화 속 '미노타우로스'처럼 말이죠