백척간두 영어로
- 백척 간두 [百尺竿頭] the last[critical] extremity; extremities; the eleventh hour.
~에 서다 be in a dire extremity / be driven[reduced] to the last extremity.
~에서 진일보하다 go a step farther.
- 간두: 간두 [竿頭] the greatest extreme; the top of a pole. ~지세(之勢) the most critical situation.
- 친척간에 씀: affectionately yours; yours affectionately
- 가말 알간두르: Gamal Al-Ghandour
- 백채: bok choy
- 백차승: cha seung baek
- 백천만사: 백천만사 [百千萬事] everything; all sorts of things.
- 백차 백차: White tea
- 백철광: 백철광 [白鐵鑛] 『鑛』 marcasite; white iron pyrites.
- 백차: 백차 [白車] a (police) patrol car; a squad[cruise / prow] car; a cruiser.
- 백철민: Baek Chul-min
- 백째: hundredth
- 백청: 백청 [白淸] [희고 질 좋은 꿀] white honey of good[fine] quality.