될성부르다: 될성부르다 promising. 일이 ~ bid fair to succeed. 될성부른 나무는 떡잎부터 알아본다 Genius displays itself even in childhood. / Sandalwood is fragrant even in seed leaf.
들까부르다: 들까부르다1 [키질하다] winnow[fan] briskly.2 [위아래로 흔들다] move up and down briskly; (아기를) dance; dandle. 우는 아이를 ~ dandle a crying baby.
배부르다: 배부르다1 [양이 차다] full[cloyed / satiated] (with food); have a full stomach; have the stomach full. 배부르게 먹다 eat one's fill / eat heartily / have enough[plenty] / eat to one's heart's content / make a go