부잣집 [富者-] [부유한 가정] a rich[wealthy] family; [부호] a rich man's house. ~ 딸 a bourgeois girl. ~에 태어나다 be born rich / be born to an ample fortune / be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth. ~에 장가들다 marry a fortune[rich heiress]. <+모두 보이기...br>그는 ~에 태어났다 He was born rich[into a rich family].
부작위: 부작위 [不作爲] 『法』 forbearance; omission; nonperformance.▷ 부작위범 『法』 a crime of omission.▷ 부작위 추출법 =임의 추출법 (☞ 임의).
부장: 부장 [部長] the head[chief / director] of a department[division]; a department manager[head / chief]. 경리[인사] ~ the chief of the accountants'[the personnel (affairs)] department. 영업 ~ the sales manager.▷
부작용: 부작용 [副作用] a side[secondary] effect . 약의 ~ an adverse reaction of a medicine. ~을 일으키다 produce ill effects[a bad reaction / unfavorable side effects] / cause harmful side effects. ~이 없다 have no side
부장품: 부장품 [副葬品] grave goods; burial accessories; the favorite possessions of the dead person which are to be buried with him.