불리다 영어로
- 까불리다: 까불리다1 [재물을 날리다] dissipate[squander / run through] .까불리다2 [까부름을 당하다] be[get] winnowed; [까부르게 하다] make let winnow.
- 들까불리다: 들까불리다 [들까부름을 당하다] be winnowed[fanned] briskly; be moved up and down briskly.
- 배불리다: 배불리다 fill one's stomach; satisfy one's appetite[the inner man]. 남의 것으로 자기를 ~ stuff[fill] one's (own) pocket[purse] / feather one's (own) nest.
- 불리: 불리 [不利] disadvantage; a drawback; a handicap. 우리는 ~를 각오했었다 We expected to be at a disadvantage. ~하다 disadvantageous; unfavorable; bad; adverse; impolitic. 나는 ~한 입장에 있다 I am at a disadvantage. / I am
- 배불리: 배불리 heartily; abundantly; [실컷] to one's heart's content. ~ 먹다 eat[have / take] one's fill[bellyful] / eat heartily. ~ 먹었습니다 I have had more than enough. / I've had enough. / I'm full.
- 불리 (밴드): Bully (band)
- 불리뉴: Bouligneux
- 불리한: not advantageous; inimicitious; unfavorable; handicapped; hostile; disadvantageous; adverse; inimicable
- 섣불리: 섣불리 [어설프게] awkwardly; clumsily; tactlessly; [부주의하게] carelessly; thoughtlessly; heedlessly; inadvertently. 남의 말을 ~ 믿다 believe too easily what one hears[what they say]. ~ 기밀을 누설하다 reveal a secret care
- 앤트 불리: The Ant Bully (film)
- fc 찬타불리: F.C. Chanthabouly
- 갈불리미마: Galbulimima
- 고잉 불리릿: Goin' Bulilit
- 배불리 먹다: gorge
- 배불리 먹이다: glut