불신: 불신 [不信] mistrust; distrust; disbelief; discredit; lack[want] of confidence . ~을 사다 lose one's credit / bring discredit on oneself / incur the distrust . 정부에 대한 ~이 증대하고 있다 Mistrust of the government
불신감: 불신감 [不信感] (a) distrust; (a) suspicion. ~을 품다 be distrustful of / have a distrust of.
불신앙: skepticism; unbelievingness; lack of faith; unbelief; apistia
불신임: 불신임 [不信任] nonconfidence; want[lack] of confidence. 내각 ~ want of confidence in the Cabinet. 교수진은 학장에 대한 ~ 동의를 냈다 The staff[The professors] moved a vote of nonconfidence in the President. ~하다 distrust
신의: 신의 [信疑] belief or disbelief[doubt]; credit or discredit. ~ 반반이라 뭐라 말할 수 없다 I can't tell whether it is credible or not.신의 [信義] faith; fidelity; truthfulness; loyalty. ~를 중히 여기는 사람 a man of honor. ~를
불신임안: 불신임안 [不信任案] nonconfidence motion. 내각 ~을 상정하다 propose a vote of nonconfidence in the Cabinet / place a nonconfidence vote on the order of the House. 정부 ~을 가결하다 pass a vote of nonconfidence in the Gov