불운 [不運] (a) misfortune; bad luck(▶ 보통 misfortune 쪽이 중대한 것에 쓰임. bad luck은 우연성이 강함); ills; adverse fortune[circumstances]; ill[cross] luck[fortune]; a tough luck; <文>a hapless fate; an evil[untoward / adverse] fate; a bad break; ill c+모두 보이기...hance; (a) mischance; <口> hoodoo. ~의 일생을 살다 have an ill-fated life / be hapless to the end of one's life. ~을 겪다 have bad luck / <文> suffer adverse fortune. ~으로 여기고 체념하다 accept[resign oneself to] one's fate. 갖가지 ~이 우리에게 닥친 것 같다 We seem to be jinxed. / Every possible misfortune has befallen us. ~하다 unfortunate; unlucky; luckless; (숙명처럼) ill-fated; <文>hapless; evil-[ill-]starred; infelicitous.