불체자 영어로
- 간체자 간체자: Simplified Chinese characters
- 간체자: simplified character; simplified chinese character; simplified chinese
- 번체자: traditional chinese; traditional chinese character; traditional character
- 정체자: traditional chinese
- 불체포특권: 불체포 특권 [不逮捕特權] privilege of exemption from apprehension; nonapprehension privilege.
- 홰불체육단: Hwaebul Sports Club
- 체자레 보르자: Cesare Borgia
- 체자르 큐이: César Cui
- 사체자로 인쇄하다: italicize
- 중국어 간체자 표기를 포함한 문서: Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text
- 중국어 정체자 표기를 포함한 문서: Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text
- 불청객의: self-invited
- 불청객: 불청객 [不請客] a self-invited[an uninvited / an unbidden] guest; a gate-crasher; a crasher.
- 불청: 불청 [不聽] ~하다 [듣지 않다] do not listen[pay no attention] to ; do not lend one's ear to; give no ear to; [승낙하지 않다] do not consent to ; do not accept[admit / grant].
- 불초: 불초 [不肖] [못나고 어리석음]. ~ 자식 an unworthy son / a son unworthy of his father. ~하다 unworthy; be not worth.
- 불철주야: 불철주야 [不撤晝夜] day and night; by day and (by) night; around[round] the clock. ~로 일하다 work night and day[day and night] / work double shifts[tides] / work around[round] the clock.