빈호흡 영어로
- 호흡: 호흡 [呼吸]1 a breath; breathing; respiration. 심[복식(腹式)]~ deep[abdominal] breathing. 인공 ~ artificial breathing[respiration]. 정상 ~ 『醫』 eupn(o)ea. ~이 곤란하다 have difficulty in breathing / breathe with diffi
- 세포 호흡 세포 호흡: Cellular respiration
- 과호흡: hyperpnoea; hyperventilation
- 광호흡: Photorespiration
- 복식 호흡: Diaphragmatic breathing
- 심호흡: 심호흡 [深呼吸] deep breathing[respiration]; a deep breath. ~하다 breathe deeply; do deep breathing; take a deep breath; draw a deep[full] breath; take deep breathing exercises.
- 피부 호흡: Cutaneous respiration
- 호흡 독소: Respiratory toxins
- 호흡 색소: Respiratory pigments
- 호흡 침묵: Dyshu tishinoi
- 호흡기: 호흡기 [呼吸器] the respiratory organs.▷ 호흡기병[질환] a chest complaint; a respiratory disease[trouble / ailment]; a disease of the respiratory organs.
- 호흡법: breathing
- 호흡수: Respiratory rate
- 호흡의: respiratory; breathing