살스김 영어로
- sarsechim
- 살스크: salsk
- 미스김라일락: Miss Kim Lilac
- 간살스러운: well oiled
- 거북 살스러움: starch
- 곱살스럽다: 곱살스럽다 (용모가) comely; pretty; fair; good-looking; (마음씨가) nice; tender; gentle. 얼굴이 곱살스러운 소녀 a charming[pretty] girl. 곱살스럽게 굴다 be gentle.
- 독살스러움: acrimony; corrosiveness; acid; toxicity; virulence
- 독살스럽다: 독살스럽다 [毒殺-] venomous; spiteful; malicious; vicious; malignant; acrimonious; bitter; poisonous-looking. ~스럽게 spitefully / malignantly / virulently. ~스러운 여자 a wicked[spiteful / vicious] woman / a she-
- 말살스럽다: 말살스럽다 [抹殺-] indifferent; heartless; hard-hearted.
- 맵살스럽다: 맵살스럽다 ☞ 밉살스럽다
- 모살스크: Mosalsk
- 밉살스러운: abominable; abhominable; hateful; offensive; reviled; invidious; abhorrent; hated; accursed; execrable; abhorrible; detestable
- 밉살스럽다: 밉살스럽다 [싫다] hateful; detestable; disgusting; [지긋지긋하다] abominable; cursed; odious; horrible; [심술궂다] spiteful; [얄밉다] provoking; offensive. 밉살스럽게 spitefully / maliciously / hatefully / provokingly. 밉살스러
- 새살스럽다: 새살스럽다 flippant; frivolous; shallow. 새살스런 여자 a shallow woman.
- 애살스럽다: 애살스럽다 [군색하고 애바른 데가 있다] mean[miserly] and stingy; penny-pinching; tightfisted; close-fisted.
- 야살스럽다: 야살스럽다 perverse; peevish; cross-grained; wicked; petulant; impudent; saucy. ~스런 여자 a brash and impertinent woman.