상태 [狀態] a state(▶ 보통 단수형); a condition; [상황] conditions(▶ 보통 복수형); [국면] a situation; [광경] a sight; [양상] an aspect. 건강 ~ one's state of health. 경제 ~ the economic condition[situation]. 생활 ~ living conditions. 위험 ~ a critical[dan+모두 보이기...gerous] condition / a crisis. 재정 ~ a financial condition. 혼수 ~ a comatose[lethargic] condition[state]. 그 나라의 현재 ~ the present state of the country. 건강 ~가 좋다[나쁘다] be[feel] well[unwell / ill] / be in good[poor] health. 한심한 ~이다 be in (a) wretched condition. 건강 ~는 어떠하십니까 How do you feel? / How are you feeling now? 기상 ~가 좋지 않다 Weather conditions are unfavorable. 위장 ~가 좀 이상하다 Something seems to be the matter with my stomach. 지금 ~로는 실업 문제가 점점 더 심각해질 것이다 Under the present circumstances, the unemployment problem will probably get worse[more serious]. 지금 ~로는 그는 좀처럼 일자리를 구할 수 없을 것이다 As things are with him now, he will never be able to find a job. 그는 태풍의 피해 ~를 얘기했다 He described the havoc wreaked by the typhoon. / He gave an account of the damage done by the typhoon. 이 이는 ~가 꽤 안 좋다 This tooth is in pretty bad shape.상태 [常態] a normal state[condition]; a usual[an ordinary] state; normality; normalcy.