생벼락 영어로
- 생벼락 [生-]1 [꾸지람] an unreasonable reproof[scolding].
~이 떨어지다 get an unreasonable scolding[rebuke].2 [재앙] an unexpected disaster; a sudden calamity.♣ 생벼락(을) 맞다 meet a sudden calamity; meet an unexpected stroke of misfortune.
- 벼락: 벼락 a thunderbolt; a thunderstroke; a stroke of lightning. 날~ a bolt from[out of] the blue. ~치는 소리 a peal[roar / roll] of thunder / cracks of thunder. ~같은 thunderous / (뜻밖의) unexpected / sudden. ~같은
- 날벼락: 날벼락 =생벼락.
- 담벼락: 담벼락1 [담의 표면] the surface of a wall.2 [사물을 전혀 이해하지 못하는 사람] a man of dull apprehension; a block; a blockhead. ~하고 말하는 셈이다 You might as well speak to a stone wall as talk to him.
- 돈벼락: 돈벼락 a bonanza. ~을 맞다 strike a bonanza.
- 물벼락: 물벼락 splashing[dashing] water all of a sudden; dousing with water. 지나가던 버스가 우리에게 ~을 안겼다 The bus spattered us with muddy water[spattered muddy water on us] as it passed.♣ 물벼락(을) 맞다 get doused[a dous
- 벼락 경기: boom
- 벼락 공부: cram
- 벼락 맞은: appalled; amazed; astonished; dazed
- 벼락 부자: parvenu; nouveau riche
- 벼락불: 벼락불 [번갯불] a flash[bolt] of lightning; [불같은 명령] a tyrannical[strict / stern / rigid] order. ~을 내리다 issue a tyrannical decree.
- 벼락장: 벼락장 [-醬] improvised hot-pepper paste.
- 불벼락: 불벼락 [번갯불] lightning; a bolt[streak / flash] of lightning; a thunderbolt; [불같이 사나운 명령·책망] a tyrannical decree[order / instruction]; thundering cries. ~을 맞다 be struck by lightning. ~을 내리다 issue a seve
- 벼락 경기의: stentorian; booming; stentorious
- 벼락 공부를 하다: cram
- 벼락 부자의: parvenu