생성: 생성 [生成] creation; formation; generation; 『哲』 becoming. ~하다 [생겨나다] be created; be formed; come into being[existence]; become; [생기게 하다] create; form; generate; make. 화산의 ~ the formation of a volcano.▷
중성자: 중성자 [中性子] 『理』 a neutron. 광~ a photoneutron. 반~ an antineutron. 열~ a thermal neutron. 중(重)~ a dineutron.▷ 중성자로 a neutron reactor.▷ 중성자별 a neutron star.▷ 중성자탄[폭탄] an enhanced radiation bomb; a neutron
찬성자: 찬성자 [贊成者] an approver; a supporter; (동의(動議)에 대한) a seconder; a standby. ~가 많다 The ayes have it.