설득법 영어로
- 설득: 설득 [說得] persuasion. 우리의 ~은 모두 허사였다 All our efforts at persuasion were fruitless. 나는 그의 ~에 져서 그 일을 떠맡았다 I yielded to his persuasion and agreed to do the work. ~하다 persuade; prevail on; solicit ; ta
- 설득 설득: Persuasion
- 설득 (소설): Persuasion (novel)
- 설득력: persuasive power
- 설득자: one who persuades; persuader; one who convinces
- 설득함: inculcation
- 설득력 없는: nonconvincing
- 설득력 있는: persuasive; psychagogic; powerful; convincing; forceful
- 설득력이 있는: persuasive; strict; severe
- 설득력이 있다: talk
- 설득력이 있음: persuasiveness
- 설득하기: act of convincing; act of persuading; persuasion; inducement
- 설득하다: butter up; adulate; sway; convince; induce; flatter; persuade; soft-soap; blandish
- 설득하여 … 하다: talk
- 설득할 수 있는: persuadable