손바닥 the palm[flat] of the hand; the palm; the hollow of the hand. ~만한 땅 a tiny plot / a tiny of land. 그녀는 ~으로 그의 뺨을 때렸다 She slapped his face[slapped him on the face]. 아버지는 아이의 엉덩이를 ~으로 때렸다 The father gave his child a spanking. +모두 보이기.../ The father smacked his child on the bottom. 그녀는 꽃잎을 ~에 올려놓았다 She laid a petal on the palm of her hand. 그는 갑자기 ~을 뒤집듯 태도를 바꾸어 냉담해졌다 All of a sudden he changed his attitude completely and became cool.♣ 손바닥 뒤집듯 하다 그의 태도는 ~ 뒤집듯했다 His attitude changed quite abruptly.
바닥: 바닥1 [평면을 이룬 부분] the broad; the flat. 방~ a floor (of the room). 손~ the palm[flat / broad] of a hand. 땅~에 앉다 sit on the (bare) ground.2 [물체의 밑부분] the bottom; the sole; the bed. 강~ a riverbed. 암초[모래] ~