싫증 [-症] an aversion; dislike; disgust; a repugnance ; weariness.♣ 싫증(이) 나다 feel a repugnance to[for]; be[get / grow] tired of; get sick of; be[become] disgusted with; become weary of; be bored ; lose interest in. ~이 나지 않는 일[무늬]+모두 보이기... work[a pattern] which one doesn't get tired of. 공부에는 이제 ~이 났다 I'm tired of studying. 나는 영화에 ~이 났다 I have lost interest in movies. 나는 이따금 일에 ~이 난다 I sometimes get tired of my job. 그는 그녀에게 ~이 났다 He has fallen out of love with his girl. 그는 자기 일에 ~을 느껴 그만두었다 He got tired of[<口> fed up with] his job and quit. 그가 오기를 기다리기에 ~이 났다 I got tired[weary] of waiting for him to come. 그의 장황한 이야기에 우리는 ~이 났다 We were bored by his long-winded talk. 그의 실없는 농담에 ~이 난다 I am sick (and tired) of his bad[silly] jokes. 연기가 너무 서툴러서 관객은 ~이 났다 It was such a poor performance that the audience lost interest. 그들의 말다툼엔 이제 ~이 났다 I've had enough of their quarrels. / I'm fed up with their quarrels. 그의 이야기는 두서가 없어 ~이 난다 His rambling conversation is a bore.♣ 싫증(을) 내다 그는 매사에 곧 ~을 낸다 He soon gets tired of[loses interest in] things. / He gets tired of[bored with] things very quickly. / He never remains interested in anything for very long. 그녀는 곧 ~을 내서 남자 친구를 언제든지 바꾼다 She gets tired of people right away[soon tires of people] and is always switching boyfriends.