아니다 not; no. …도 아니고 …도 ~ neither ‥ nor ‥. 그것은 그런 것이 ~ It is not so. 그가 실패했다는 것이 ~ It's not that he failed. 이것은 네 펜이 아니냐 Isn't this your pen? 이제 어린애도 아닌데 바보같이 굴어선 안 돼 Don't be so foolish, you are no longer a child. 꼭 와야만 된다는 +모두 보이기...것은 ~ You need not necessarily come. 바보가 아닌 이상 그런 짓은 하지 않을 것이다 None but a fool would do such a thing. 일이 싫은 것이 아니라 그 일을 감당 못하겠다 Not that I dislike the task, but I am unequal to it. 그는 거짓말할 사람이 ~ He is above telling a lie. 이것 네 것이냐. ~ Is this yours? No.♣ 아니나 다를까 as one expected; as (was) expected; as feared; sure enough. ~ 그러했다 I was right in my conjecture. ~ 그는 거기 있었다 Sure enough, I found him there. ~ 그는 나타나지 않았다 As might have been expected, he failed to turn up.♣ 아닌게 아니라 just as one thought; as (was / may be / had been) expected; sure enough; indeed; truly; certainly. ~ 그렇다 Certainly it is. ~ 자네 말이 옳아 To be sure, what you say is right. ~ 그녀는 미인이다 Sure enough she is a beauty. ~ 그는 김 박사의 수제자란 말도 들을 만하다 He fully justifies[lives up to] his fame as one of the best disciples of Dr. Kim.♣ 아닌 밤중 ~에 at midnight / at dead of night / in the dead[depth] of the night. ~에 홍두깨 a bolt from[out of] the blue / a thunderbolt from a clear sky. 그녀는 ~에 홍두깨 같은 제의에 어찌할 바를 몰랐다 She was at a loss how to respond to the completely unexpected proposal. 그는 ~에 홍두깨로 내일 미국에 간다고 말했다 He said abruptly[All of a sudden he declared] that he was going to America the next day.