악당 [惡黨] a rascal; a villain; [깡패] a hooligan; <美口> a hoodlum. (이) ~ 같으니 (You) Devil! / (You) Bastard! / (You) Son of a bitch!(▶ 이 같은 표현은 쓰지 않는 것이 바람직함).
캡틴 언더팬츠: 외계 악당들과 맞서다: Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)
악담: 악담 [惡談]1 [저주하는 말] a curse; a malediction; [욕] abusive[bad] language; abuse. ~을 퍼붓다 abuse soundly / curse and swear. 갖은 ~을 늘어놓다 let out a stream of curses / reel off[let loose with] a stream of abus