애반딧불이 영어로
- 반딧불이 정원: Fireflies in the Garden
- 반딧불이과: Firefly
- 반딧불이의 묘: Grave of the Fireflies
- 반딧불이의 무덤: Grave of the Fireflies (short story)
- 반딧불: 반딧불 the glow[glimmer] of a firefly; glowfly light. ~같이 희미한 빛 a light as faint as the glow of a firefly. ~로 별을 대적하랴 Can a firefly cope with a star in brightness?
- 반딧불의 빛: Hotaru no Hikari
- 반딧불게르치과 반딧불게르치과: Acropomatidae
- 까불이: 까불이 [까부는 사람] a droll[facetious] person; a droll; a merry-andrew; a buffoon; a joker; [까부는 아이] a jocose[sportive] boy.
- 불이 꺼진: dead
- 불이 붙다: take; light; light up
- 불이 켜진: alight; lighted; illumined; illuminated
- 불이익: 불이익 [不利益] disadvantage; a handicap; a loss; a drawback; inadvisability; inexpediency. 그는 형에게 ~을 주었다 He inflicted a loss on his brother. ~하다 disadvantageous; unprofitable; unremunerative; against one
- 불이행: 불이행 [不履行] default; nonfulfillment; nonperformance; breach; nonobservance; failure. 계약 ~ nonfulfillment of a contract. 채무 ~ failure to pay one's financial debt / 『法』 default. 의무 ~ failure in duty / a
- 불이 붙은 나무 조각: brand
- 불이 타고 있다: keep in