액막이하다 영어로
- 액막이: 액막이 [厄-] ~하다 ward off[prevent / take steps against] evil[misfortune]; exorcise evil spirits ; exorcise of evil spirits. 이 기도문은 ~된다고 믿어지고 있다 This prayer is believed to ward off[protect people from]
- 칸막이하다: screen off; partition; set out
- 방 따위를 칸막이하다: partition off
- 칸막이하기: partition
- 칸막이를 하다: stall
- 가까이하다: 가까이하다1 [사귀다] associate with; make friends with; make one's acquaintance with; keep company with; have connections[relations] with. 가까이하기 어려운[쉬운] 사람 a person who is difficult[easy] to approach / an u
- 같이하다: 같이하다 share with; take part[participate] in; partake of; have the same ‥. 때를 같이하여 at the same time[hour] / in the same instant / simultaneously . 식사를 ~ eat at the same table. 고락을 ~ share joys and so
- 독방 살이하다: cell
- 돈벌이하다: make money; earn money
- 되풀이하다: duplicate; repeat; ingeminate; copy; simulate; retell; iterate; reiterate
- 맞이하다: receive; host; meet; greet
- 몰이하다: catch; hunt; hunt out
- 설겆이하다: dishes; wash the dishes; wash dishes
- 쉬이하다: shoo
- 승강이하다: squabble; wrangle