얼러맞추다: 얼러맞추다 humor ; please humor[whim]; play up to; fawn upon; flatter; (남의 마음에 들려고) curry favor with . 칭찬하며 ~ soothe a person with praise. 남편을 ~ contrive to get to the soft side of husband. 얼러맞추기 힘들다 b
얼러붙다: 얼러붙다 grapple with; wrestle with; come to a fist fight. 얼러붙어 싸우다 fight hand to hand / fight a close fight / grapple with .
얼러치다: 얼러치다1 [한꺼번에 때리다] strike[hit / knock] at one time.2 [값을 함께 셈하다] lump[put] together; sum up. 얼러쳐서 all put together / in total / (all) in all / in the lump. 얼러쳐서 모두 얼마요 How much (is it) all together?