을망정 영어로
- -을망정 ☞ -ㄹ망정
늙었~ though he is old / old as he is.
죽~ 그 짓은 못하겠다 I would rather die than do it.
- 보다 나을망정 못하지는 않게: not less than
- 기에망정이지: -기에 망정이지 fortunately ‥ otherwise; or (else); only owing to[because of]; if not so. 돈이 있었~ 창피 당할 뻔했다 It was fortunate that I had some money with me, otherwise I would have to lose my face. 그가 가만히 있었~
- 을러방망이: 을러방망이 threatening with one's fists.
- 을러메다: 을러메다 =을러대다.
- 을묘: 을묘 [乙卯] 『民俗』 the 52nd binary term of the sexagenary cycle.
- 을러대어 … 하게 하다: bounce
- 을미: 을미 [乙未] 『民俗』 the 32nd binary term of the sexagenary cycle.
- 을러대어: strut
- 을러대다: 을러대다 threaten; menace; browbeat; bulldoze. 을러대어 by threats / by intimidation. 죽인다고[투옥한다고 / 체포한다고] ~ threaten with death[imprisonment / arrest]. 을러대어 승낙케 하다 threaten into compliance. 그는 경찰에 알리겠다고
- 을미사변: Eulmi Incident