잘나다 영어로
- 잘나다1 [뛰어나다] eminent; excellent; [비범하다] extraordinary; remarkable.
잘난 사람 an extraordinary character / <俗> a bigwig / <俗> a big name.
자기를 잘났다고 생각하다 think much[highly] of oneself / have a high opinion[a great idea] of oneself.
잘난 체하다 +모두 보이기...put on[assume] airs[an air of importance].
잘난 체하고 with an air of importance.
나는 그가 잘난 체하는 것이 싫다 I don't like the way he acts important.
그는 자기가 잘났다고 생각한다 He thinks he is (a) somebody.2 [모양이 보기에 좋다] good-looking; comely; fair; pretty; handsome; beautiful. ☞ 잘생기다3 [대수롭지 않다].
그는 늘 그 잘난 지식을 과시한다 He always shows off his poor knowledge.
너 참 잘났어 You're a fine one!
- 여기는 잘나가는 파출소: kochira katsushika-ku kameari kōen-mae hashutsujo
- 나다: 나다11 [태어나다] be born; come into the world; come into being[existence]. 날 때부터 from (the day of) birth. 내가 난 고장 my birthplace. 나서 여태까지 ever since my birth[I was born] / in (all) my born days. 미국에서 ~ be
- 캐나다 캐나다: Canada
- 가나다: hangul; korean alphabet
- 갓나다: 갓나다 be newly[just] born; have just started to grow; sprout. 갓난 newborn / newly born. 갓난 고양이 새끼 a newborn kitten / a kitten still wet from birth[from its mother].
- 겁나다: 겁나다 [怯-] be frightened[scared]; be over come with fright; be seized with fear[panic]; get in[to] a funk. 겁나서 소리지르다 cry out for fear. 말할 수 없이 겁났다 I was scared to death. 선생님에게 들킬까봐 겁났다 I was afraid le
- 격나다: 격나다 [隔-] become estranged[alienated] ; drift apart from each other. 그일 이후로 두 사람은 자연히 격났다 Since that event the two have become estranged.
- 결나다: 결나다 get angry; be enraged; flare[flame] up 결나서 (남을) 때리다 beat up in a fit of anger.
- 광나다: 광나다 [光-] gloss; glaze; shine; have a gloss[shine / luster / glaze]. 광나지 않다 be dull[dim / lackluster] / won't polish. 구두가 광난다 The shoes are shiny.
- 금나다: 금나다 [잔금이 가다] be[become] creased[wrinkled]; [값이 정해지다] be priced; the price is fixed.
- 김이 나다: steam
- 깨나다: 깨나다1 [의식을 찾게 되다] regain[recover] consciousness; return[come back] to life; come to life (again); come round (to oneself); come to oneself; be brought (back) to life; be restored from apparent death;
- 끝나다: 끝나다 end; come[be brought] to an end[a close / a conclusion / a termination]; close; be concluded; be over (with); be done; terminate; [완료되다] be finished; be completed; (기한이) expire; [결과를 가져오다] resul
- 나다 (래퍼): Nada (musician)
- 나다구: Nada-ku, Kobe