전력: 전력 [全力] all one's power[strength / might / energy]; one's best[utmost]. ~을 다하여 with all one's might / to the best of one's ability / to the utmost (of one's power). ~을 다하다 do one's best[utmost] / do
산업: 산업 [産業] industry. 국내 ~ the domestic industry. 방위[자동차] ~ the defense[automobile] industry. 성장 ~ the growth industry / the incremental industry. 수출 ~ the export industry. 신흥 ~ the rising industry. 정보
Introduction Introduction Energy industry such as electric power and gas and oil is well known for its large-scale installations with natural monopolies in the market. 전력산업, 가스산업, 정유산업 등의 에너지 산업은 대규모 장치산업으로서 자연적인 독점이 구현되는 분야로 잘 알려져 있습니다.