과부: 과부 [寡婦] a widow; a woman bereft of her husband. 그녀는 스물 다섯에 ~가 되었다 She lost her husband[She became a widow] at the age of twenty-five. 그후로 죽 그녀는 ~로 있다 She has remained a widow[lived in widowhood] eve
과부족: 과부족 [過不足] overs and shorts; excess and deficiency. ~없는 neither more nor less / neither too much not too little / just enough / in exact[proper] quantities. 세 가지 재료를 ~없이 섞다 mix the right amounts of t
떼과부: 떼과부 [-寡婦] a lot of widows. 전쟁으로 ~가 생겼다 The war widowed many women. / A great many women were widowed by the war. / The war deprived many women of their husbands.
생과부: 생과부 [生寡婦] a separated[neglected / divorced] wife; a grass widow.