취향 [趣向] [기호] taste; liking; fondness; [경향] bent; inclination. ~에 맞다 suit one's taste / please[suit / hit] one's fancy. 화학은 그의 ~에 맞지 않는다 Chemistry was not his taste. 이번의 전시회는 아주 새로운 ~으로 해볼 작정이다 I intend to try a completely new+모두 보이기... approach for the upcoming exhibition. 그것은 개인 ~의 문제다 It's a matter of taste[individual preference].
취항: 취항 [就航] putting out to sea; sailing; commission; service. ~하다 go into commission; be placed[put] in commission; put out to sea; set sail; start on a voyage; enter service. 부산·제주간을 ~하는 배 a boat plyin