퇴마록 영어로
- the soul guardians
- 아마록: Amarok (wolf)
- 폭스바겐 아마록: Volkswagen Amarok
- 퇴마 포송령 천녀유혼전: The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang
- 동방봉마록 ~ the story of eastern wonderland: Story of Eastern Wonderland
- 아마록 (소프트웨어): Amarok (software)
- 퇴를 달다: wing
- 퇴맞다: 퇴맞다 → 퇴박맞다
- 퇴류: reflux
- 퇴물: 퇴물 [退物]1 [물려받은 물건] a hand-me-down(의류 등); articles handed down ; [쓰던 물건] a used[secondhand] article.2 [거절당한 물건] a thing[an article] rejected[refused / declined] to accept; an article sent back.3 [물러난
- 퇴뢰치크 머리: Mari Törőcsik
- 퇴물림: 퇴물림 [退-]1 [큰상물림] a reception table after it has been removed (and sent to the house of the bride or groom).2 =퇴물 1, 2.
- 퇴로: 퇴로 [退路] the path of retreat; the retreat; a withdrawal route. ~를 차단하다[끊다] intercept[cut off] the[a person's] retreat / block the way of retreat / cut the line of retreat.
- 퇴밀이: 퇴밀이 → 투밀이