
aquinas 예문

"aquinas" 뜻  


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  1. Who do you think signed off on their exile to St. Aquinas?
    준비되고 말고요 이들을 성 아퀴나스로 추방한 게 누구겠어요?
  2. St. Aquinas. God... spoke through you, Henry.
    성 아퀴나스란 곳에요
  3. What's at St. Aquinas?
    성 아퀴나스가 뭔데요?
  4. Oh, you were such a mess at Aquinas. The parade... is that where you're gonna do it?
    아퀴나스에선 그리도 엉망이더니
  5. Even for St. Thomas Aquinas, and right up until the middle of the nineteenth century, abortion was set to take place only after the ensoulment of the fetus, and that occurs in the third month of pregnancy.
    성 토마스 아퀴나스에게도 19세기 중반까지도 낙태란 태아에 혼이 담긴 후에 적용되는 말이었다

기타 단어

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  6. "aquiferous" 예문
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  11. "aquincum" 예문
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  16. "ara" 예문
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