barista 예문
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- So I saw a help-wanted sign in the coffee shop and got a job as a barista.
그러다, 커피샵에서 알바 모집 공고를 봤고 바리스타로 알바를 하기로 했어요. - Chelsea, the prettiest barista who's ever served me a double-shot half-caff caramel macchiato with a dusting of cinnamon.
엄마는 뭔가 잘못 될 때마다 저한테 말씀하시잖아요. You can always tell when something's wrong. - I mean, the other day, I was sitting in a coffee place, and I thought, "Yeah, I can be a barista."
제 말은, 어떤 날은, 카페에 가서 앉아있다가 생각해요, "바리스타가 될 수도 있겠구나." - You're a barista. And I can see how you could then look down on me from all the way up there.
바리스타구나 그리고 절 깔보셨고 - It's bad enough the girl he loves has no idea he exists. Now the T.S.A. is gonna hassle him for the rest of his life. Burned barista doesn't know who he is?
모르는 사람과 사랑에 빠진 것도 그런데 남은 평생 T.S.A.때문에 고생할테니 불쌍하다