
differentiate 예문

"differentiate" 뜻  


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  1. A program that could differentiate between foreign and domestic...
    자체 개발 비용 3백만 달러짜리
  2. Now I know with all the time you spend around here, it's hard to differentiate sometimes.
    나도 당신이 여기서 하루종일 지낸다는걸 알아 , 그래서 더 구별하기가 힘들어.
  3. The idea is to allow our soldiers in the field to instantly differentiate between friend and foe.
    이걸 쓰면 적과 아군을 즉시 구분할 수 있어
  4. They don't differentiate between hard and soft targets and are known for hitting resorts, restaurants, big tourist attractions.
    그들은 노약자를 구분하지 않고 공격합니다 그는 휴양객이나 레스토랑 관광 명소를 공격할 겁니다
  5. Some implants have a defect. They can't differentiate shape between... what the eye sees and what the mind sees.
    일부 임플랜트는 결함이 있지 현실과 상상을 구분 못해

기타 단어

  1. "differential backup" 예문
  2. "differential calculus" 예문
  3. "differential diagnosis" 예문
  4. "differential equation" 예문
  5. "differential form" 예문
  6. "differential gear" 예문
  7. "differential geometry" 예문
  8. "differential operator" 예문
  9. "differential rotation" 예문
  10. "differential topology" 예문
  11. "differentiating factor" 예문
  12. "differentiation" 예문
  13. "differently" 예문
  14. "difficile" 예문
  15. "difficult" 예문
  16. "difficult situation" 예문
  17. "difficult to bend" 예문
  18. "difficult to fathom" 예문
  19. "difficult work" 예문