
fort worth 예문

"fort worth" 뜻  


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  1. The main branch is in Fort Worth. They're not gonna mess with that.
    포트 워스가 본점인데 거길 건드리진 않겠지
  2. I prayed that I make the Fort Worth all-star team. Oh.
    포트워스 올스타팀 입단을 기도했어
  3. Just notify Fort Worth Hospital that injuries have left her comatose at this time.
    부상으로 혼수 상태일 수 있다고 병원에 통보 바람
  4. I checked him out online. He's supposed to be one of the best in Fort Worth.
    검색해봤는데 포트워스에선 실력이 최고래
  5. Fort Worth, this is CareFlite 3. We are at the LZ ready for transport. We'll advise en route.
    포트워스 병원, 여긴 헬기 3호 곧 이륙한다

기타 단어

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