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having 예문


  • I guess it's just you and me now.
    우리 재밌었잖아요 We're having such a good time.
  • She's never seen action like this before.
    매우 불안합니다. having Lieutenant Foster on this mission.
  • Actually, I don't mind having one eye.
    지도는 있어야지 Actually, I don't mind having one eye.
  • I can't put the letters in order.
    읽는게 힘들어졌어 I've been having trouble reading.
  • Still having trouble following the rules, I see.
    그러지 않기로 했잖나? - Still having trouble following the rules.
  • You having a good New Year's?
    프리쳇이에요 You having a good New Year's?
  • Having a laugh, meeting' new people.
    오늘은 같이 웃고.. - Having a laugh, meetin' new people.
  • How does having me alive help you?
    나를 살려놓고 당신을 돕길바라? How does having me alive help you?
  • Which is why we're having a trial.
    그래서 재판을 하는 거잖냐 Which is why we're having a trial.
  • He's having problems with stephanie?
    He's having problems with stephanie? 스테파니랑 무슨 문제라도 있어?
  • Are you having any fun?
    출장은 어때요? Are you having any fun?
  • You guys having a party?
    너네 파티하니? You guys having a party?
  • Or it's just a song.
    네가 가진 어떤 감정들인데 some feelings you might be having
  • Who's he not having lunch with?
    Who's he not having lunch with? 그와 점심 먹지 않을 사람이 누구죠?
  • Yeah, I'm having fun for the first time since I got here.
    아직 일러. Yeah, I'm having fun
  • Having kids is fun.
    아이 갖는거 재밌다! Having kids is fun.
  • Now Tracy is planning on having her own party at the Carriage House.
    로드리라는 애요 Now Tracy is planningon having her own party
  • So who wants to come with me to the spoken word festival this evening?
    게이라는 뜻이야 you wouldn't be having a baby.
  • Estupid dry cleaners!
    65살에 아기가 생겨버렸죠 I'm having a baby at 65.
  • A happy husband -- that's what is sexy to me.
    즐겁게 지내려고 노력하는 당신이 좋아요 I loved that you were having fun with us.
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