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ankle 예문


  • She came in with a broken ankle.
    발목이 부러져서 여길 왔어
  • I need to reduce this ankle dislocation.
    발목 탈구를 고쳐야 겠어
  • And the knife that's in your sleeve.
    그녀가 발목에 칼을 빼는걸 봤어요 but we watched her take your ankle knife.
  • It looks like they both have ligature marks on their wrists and ankles.
    두사람다 발목과 팔목에 묶여 있었던 흔적이 있어요.
  • Your ankles are looking thick.
    발목이 좀 부은 것 같아
  • You see a sprained ankle.
    너는 단순히 접지른 발목만 봤지?
  • Don't make me bring you an ankle bracelet. Great distraction.
    전자발찌 채우게 만들지 마세요
  • Otis sharon,61-year-old male, found unconscious on the street corner with a swollen ankle.
    오티스 샤론, 61세, 남자 발목이 부어서 길거리에 쓰러져있는 걸 발견했어요
  • Keep the ankle biter under control.
    꼬마애 좀 잘 보호해.
  • Sprained ankle and an infected bunion.
    발목골절 하고요 감염된 엄지발가락이요
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