로그인 회원가입

급히 영어로

급히 뜻


  • I-I heard a car peel out.
    차가 급히 떠나는 소린 들었어요
  • I dropped a passenger and made a U-turn to pick you up.
    그래서 손님이 내리자마자 급히 돌아온 겁니다
  • Tell her that I have an urgent matter to discuss. Juliana.
    급히 상의할 일이 있다고 말하게
  • But given the pressure of time, it's passable.
    급히 만들었지만 통과될 거야
  • I figure maybe they left in a hurry.
    가족들이 급히 떠난것 같았습니다
  • He sensed danger and he took off.
    위험을 느껴서 급히 떠난거예요
  • I jotted it down in a hurry just a few minutes ago.
    몇 분 전에야 급히 적었소
  • No thanks, I'm in a hurry.
    괜찮소. 급히 가봐야 해서...
  • Madam, it's the best I could do on such short notice.
    워낙 급히 구하다 보니
  • Dan gates--swerved after he didn't hit Mr. Maloy and sideswiped a telephone po.
    댄 게이츠 씨, 말로이 씨를 피하려고 급히 방향을 바꾸다 공중전화에 충돌했습니다
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