로그인 회원가입

급히 영어로

급히 뜻


  • It was important enough for him to cut short his vacation and fly home.
    휴가를 중단하고 급히 귀국할 정도면 확실히 중요한 일이야
  • This year, they called early.
    올해는 저를 급히 찾더군요
  • Ah' I'm afraid I have to dash' SWiveller.
    급히 가야겠어, 스위블러
  • Bobby hightails it down there.
    아저씬 급히 뒤쫒아 갔고
  • And then you'd just leave the house like right away.
    그리곤 급히 나가셨구요
  • I realized we had much work to do, so I called an emergency rehearsal.
    리허설을 하려고 급히 사람들을 불렀어요
  • Please book a flight to Paris for me for next weekend, returning a week later.
    네 알겠습니다 루드비히스부크르 쉴레 중앙청장님께서 급히 약속을 잡자고 하셨어요
  • You left in a hurry?
    급히 온 모양이지요?
  • I need cash fast. Fuck.
    돈이 급히 필요해
  • Let's just say I was suddenly in a hurry to get home.
    급히 서두르느라그랬다 치죠
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