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"간절히" 예문"간절히" 뜻"간절히" 중국어

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  • 간절히 … 하고 싶어하는    eager
  • 간절히부탁하다    implore; beg; obtest; intreat
  • 간절    간절 [墾切] earnest(ness); eagerness; ardentness; sincerity. ~하다 earnest; eager; fervent; ardent; sincere. ~한 권고 earnest advice. ~한 부탁 an earnest request. ~한 마음 an ardent passion[love]. ~한 소원 an earnest
  • 간절곶    Ganjeolgot
  • 적절히    readily; well; conveniently; properly; pertinently; semblably; aptly; suitably; masterly; conformably; appropriately; seemly; commodiously; meetly; adaptly; accommodately; fitly; agreeably
  • 친절히    studiedly
  • 공간절단    spacial rend
  • 적절히$1$    accordingly
  • 친절히 대하다    caress
  • 적절히 판단하다    scale
  • 친절히 대접하기    hospitality
  • 간전    간전 [墾田] clearing; reclamation . ~하다 bring under cultivation; break up the soil; clear for cultivation.
  • 간접    간접 [間接] indirectness. ~의 =간접적.▷ 간접 가열기 an indirect heater.▷ 간접 공임 [-工賃] indirect labor cost.▷ 간접광 [-光] borrowed light.▷ 간접 국세 an indirect national tax.▷ 간접 난방 indirect heating.▷ 간접 목적어 an indirect o
  • 간저우시 출신    People from Ganzhou
  • 간접 대화행위    indirect speech act


  • They'll be desperate for my new creation.
    대중들은 제 새 작품을 간절히 원하게 될겁니다.
  • You're desperate for it and that scares me for you.
    나가길 간절히 바라지, 그래서 네 걱정이 된다 왜요?
  • Your faithful servant beseeches you in his hour of need.
    당신의 충직한 시종이 힘이 되어주길 간절히 원하고 있는데요.
  • You don't know how much I wish this was bourbon.
    이게 버번이면 좋겠다고 얼마나 간절히 바라는지 자넨 모를 걸세
  • You know what they say, make plans and God laughs.
    간절히 바라면 온 우주가 도와준다고 누가 그랬잖아.
  • "no, no, he needs you desperately,
    "아니, 아니, 그사람 정말 니가 도와주길 간절히 바라지"
  • But you have to really want it for yourself.
    하지만 너도 이걸 간절히 바라야 한다
  • Mr. Helpmann, I'm keen to get into Information Retrieval.
    헬프만 씨, 정보보상부에서 일하기를 간절히 원합니다
  • The mutagen in your blood is of great value to them.
    놈들은 너희 핏 속의 돌연물질을 간절히 찾고 있어
  • And why do you want to appease them so badly?
    왜 그렇게 간절히 법무부쪽을 달래보려고 하는거죠?
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