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적절히$1$ 영어로


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  • accordingly
  • 적절히    readily; well; conveniently; properly; pertinently; semblably; aptly; suitably; masterly; conformably; appropriately; seemly; commodiously; meetly; adaptly; accommodately; fitly; agreeably
  • 적절히 판단하다    scale
  • 적절    적절 [適切] ~하다 suitable; good; appropriate; proper; happy; [당면 문제에 꼭 맞다] relevant; pertinent; adequate; (시기가) well-timed; timely. ~한 말 a happy[fitting] remark. ~한 표현 a suitable expression. ~한 예 an apt[
  • 간절히    간절히 [墾切-] [절실히] eagerly; ardently; [진심으로] earnestly; heartily; sincerely. ~ 바라다 sincerely hope / desire earnestly / wish eagerly. ~ 권하다 urge strongly / strongly advise . ~ 부탁하다 entreat . ~ 호소하다 app
  • 친절히    studiedly
  • 부적절    improperness; unsuitableness; inappropriateness; unseemliness; incongruousness
  • 적절한    apropos; well-suited; apt; well-spoken; relative; right; proper; well judged; pertinent; happy; winged; apposite; well suited; neat; well-chosen; relevant; politic
  • 적절함    talent; knack; genius; flair; faculty; aptitude; ability; school psychologist; skill; endowment
  • 친절히 대하다    caress
  • 친절히 대접하기    hospitality
  • 부적절 계정    Wikipedians who are indefinitely blocked for a violation of the username policy
  • 부적절 관계    imperence
  • 부적절한    out of place; irrelevant; sleazy; meagre; inapposite; not pertinent; inappropriate; raunchy; unsatisfactory; rinky-dink; deficient
  • 부적절한 말    impertinence
  • 부적절한 행위    impertinence; imperence
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