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골탕 영어로

"골탕" 예문"골탕" 뜻"골탕" 중국어

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  • 골탕 [-湯]1 [소의 골을 넣어 끊인 국] a soup made of fried ox-brain or ox-marrow coated with flour.2 [손해] a great loss[injury]; heavy[serious] damage.
    ~을 먹다 suffer a big loss / [애먹다] have bitter experiences / have a hard time (of it) .
    그 친구를 믿었다가 ~먹었다 I was taken in, trusting that guy.
    그녀는 고스란히 ~ 먹었다 She was easily taken in. / She fell neatly for the trick.
  • 골탕먹다    pay dearly
  • 을 골탕먹이다    hoax
  • 골탄    골탄 [骨炭]1 animal[bone] charcoal; bone black[char].2 =코크스.▷ 골탄조 [-槽] a char cistern.
  • 골킥    Goal kick
  • 골키퍼 ciws    Goalkeeper CIWS
  • 골텐더    Goaltender
  • 골키퍼 (축구)    Goalkeeper (association football)
  • 골통    골통 the head; the skull; the noddle; the noggin; the pate. ~이 터지다 have one's head hurt. ~이 터지게 싸우다 fight hard[desperately]. ~을 까 버리겠다 I'll blow your brains out. / I'll brain (the life out of) you.
  • 골키퍼    goalkeeper; keeper; goalie
  • 골통대    골통대 a (tobacco) pipe.


  • I want him to sweat a little. They're letting him go right now.
    그 놈이랑은 아직 안 끝났어 골탕 좀 먹어야겠어
  • What are you doing? Just making it a little tougher on the next guy.
    아, 다음 번에 여기로 들어오는 놈 골탕 좀 먹일려고
  • She did not become, however, more honest or hardworking.
    물론 화가 나거나 괘씸해서 골탕 먹이고 싶은 정도는 아니었다.
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