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덮어두다 영어로

"덮어두다" 뜻"덮어두다" 중국어

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  • 걸어두다    suspend; hang; be suspended
  • 적어두다    note; dot; set down; note down
  • 마구간에 넣어두다    stall
  • 외양간에 넣어두다    stall
  • 어두    어두 [語頭] the beginning of a word. ~에 anti-를 붙이다 prefix a word with anti- / place anti- at the beginning of a word.
  • 두다    두다11 [놓다] put; place; set; emplace; position; park; deposit(일정한 장소에). 제 자리에 갖다 ~ put it back in its place. 나는 돈을 금고에 넣어 두었다[둔다] I put[keep] the money in a safe. 사전을 어디다 두었지 Where did you put the di
  • 덮어 끄다    smother
  • 어두운    dark; murky; nightlike; mirk; tenebrous; gloomy; gloomily; darksome; murk
  • 어두움    darkness; gloominess
  • 어두음    initial sound
  • 어두의    initial
  • 덮어 가리우다    blind
  • 덮어 감추다    obscure
  • 덮어 씌우다    cover
  • 덮어놓고    덮어놓고 [무조건으로] unconditionally; [무차별로] indiscriminately; [도매금으로·휩쓸어] wholesale; in a wholesale manner; sweepingly; [일반적으로] reckless of the consequences; thoughtlessly; without asking any reason[explan
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